Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Hajj

Muslims go to Mecca in Saudi Arabia for Hajj. Hajj is one of the five Pillars of Islam. Muslims who are in a good condition and able to go can do at least one. Hajj takes six day starting from the 12th month of the Islamic year and people wear white robes dressed called Ihram. Muslims goes to the mosque in Mecca and in the middle of the mosque is the Ka`aba which means cub. Muslims pray five time a day facing Ka`aba . Ka`aba was built by Abraham and his son Ishmaels, contacted of stone blacks. Pilgrims retrace the footsteps of muhsmmed. Before entering mecca man clear themselves and wear white robe, woman also should clean them self, and wear white long robes but uncover their face. Pilgrims perform fiat Tawaf by procession seven times around the ka’ab o first day pilgrims travel to Mina when they stay the night. Nest morning they go to the plain of Arafat. In the evening they go to Muzdalifah where they camp the night. They go back to Mina and throw seven pebbles at their different place. After that they go back to Mecca to perform Tawa’f and sefa and Marwah. Then they return to Mina for three days of prayers and then they and it with a farewell Tawaf around the ka’aba.

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